you said, endearingly
while looking deep into my eyes
with a sincere smile
and an honest look in your eyes
“I’m gambling it all on you”
I said, happily
looking back into your eyes
and smiling like I had
finally won in the game of life
“And they lived happily ever after”
you would think
but that was not the end
Wanting to improve your odds
in the game of life
you placed bets on Ruby red
and the Dark horse as well
And to top the betting for the day
on white mysterious Angel
even though she was not
on the official game list
Not seeing it was my Angel
was your ill calculated mistake
but never again forget her
for her sister will be there
the next time
you enter the game of life
Iskwew ©
Dette er skrevet om en som trodde han ikke ville oppdages, der han spilte på flere hester i samme løp. Men han ble oppdaget. Takket være en hvit hest, han ikke hadde regnet med.

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